Handling Delays: What to Do if the Insurance Company Is Stalling

what to do if insurance company is stalling

Dealing with insurance companies after an accident can be frustrating at best and downright infuriating at worst. You file a valid claim expecting fair compensation, only to encounter delay after delay. Meanwhile, your bills are stacking up and remain unpaid.

We’ve seen this unfortunate scenario play out all too often for accident victims. Insurance companies have built notorious reputations for stalling and stonewalling legitimate claims. They’ll use any tactic to avoid paying what you rightfully deserve.

But you don’t have to settle for less or give up entirely when faced with stubborn insurers. There are steps you can take to get your claim back on track. Here’s what to watch for and how to respond if you suspect the insurance company is deliberately stalling your claim.

Common Stall Tactics Used by Insurance Companies

Insurance companies are supposed to investigate claims quickly and make fair settlement offers, but as profit-seeking businesses, they have plenty of financial incentive to delay and minimize payouts.

While your focus is rightfully on recovering from injuries and getting life back to normal, the insurance company is strategizing how to pay as little as possible on your claim. Unscrupulous insurers employ various stall tactics to frustrate and pressure claimants into accepting unreasonably small settlements.

Some of the most common tricks used to delay and stonewall legitimate claims include:

  • Overwhelming insurance adjusters – By assigning too many claims per adjuster, delays become inevitable.
  • Requesting unnecessary documentation – Demanding excessive records and forms eats up time.
  • Conducting excessively lengthy investigations – Drawn-out inquiries allow companies to cite “ongoing investigation” as the reason for delay.
  • Trying to wait out the statute of limitations – Delaying beyond legal deadlines can nullify claims entirely.

Knowing the most common delay tactics makes it clearer when an insurer is deliberately stalling your legitimate claim. This insight can empower you to take action and pursue the fair compensation you deserve.

Signs the Insurance Company Is Stalling Your Claim

Once you understand common delay tactics used by insurers, you can watch for telltale signs that your claim is being intentionally stalled. Subtle red flags can reveal when unfair stalling is occurring.

  • Frequent requests for additional information – Legitimate requests are understandable, but excessive document demands are a delay tactic.
  • Delayed responses and poor communication – Adjusters taking weeks to acknowledge requests or return calls hints at a stall strategy.
  • Denying the claim for questionable reasons – Refusing payment based on minor technicalities shows unreasonable insurer behavior.
  • Unreasonable delays for basic steps – An inspection should happen immediately, but unscrupulous insurers stall this for weeks or months.
  • Offers well below expected settlement value – Lowball offers encourage quick, cheap settlements for less than the claim is worth.

Watching for these warning signs helps reveal if an insurer is unfairly stalling your rightful claim. Once aware, you can take action and consult a personal injury attorney to pursue the fair outcome you deserve. Don’t let insurers take advantage of you during this already difficult time.

Steps to Take if You Suspect Insurance Is Stalling

If you suspect unreasonable stalling by the insurance company, don’t suffer silently – be proactive in protecting your rights and getting your stalled claim back on track.

1. Document All Communication Thoroughly

Log every interaction (or lack of response) in writing, including dates/times of phone calls, details discussed, and names of representatives you dealt with. Creating a thorough paper trail now provides powerful evidence later if legal action becomes necessary to prove bad faith stalling.

2. Send Formal Written Requests and Deadlines

Put all demands for claim action, requests for status updates, and questions in formal letters sent by certified mail. Provide reasonable but firm deadlines for the insurer to respond or provide requested claim information. This starts the clock officially ticking for them to reply within set timeframes.

3. Consult an Experienced Personal Injury Attorney

A qualified personal injury lawyer experienced in countering insurer stall tactics can advocate for you. They have experience in insurance claims processes and what constitutes unreasonable delays. They can negotiate firmly on your behalf and know how to get unreasonably delayed claims moving again.

4. File an Official Complaint With Insurance Regulators

Your state’s Department of Insurance penalizes companies violating claims processing laws and regulations. Filing a formal complaint prompts the department to investigate and take action against bad faith stalling behavior.

5. Consider Legal Action with a Bad Faith Lawsuit

For the most egregious cases of insurer stall tactics, a bad faith insurance lawsuit holds companies legally and financially accountable for intentionally delaying valid claims without good cause. Legal action can provide recourse if other measures fail to prompt fair claim handling.

Staying silent only allows insurers to take advantage of you through delays. By formally asserting your rights in writing, seeking legal counsel, and utilizing regulatory complaint processes, you can empower yourself and regain control over your claim’s trajectory. Don’t tolerate unreasonable delays – take action.

How a Car Accident Lawyer Can Help

Having an experienced car accident lawyer on your side makes all the difference when an insurance company is stalling your claim. Qualified legal advocates have the skills to get your delayed claim moving again and ensure you receive fair compensation.

Your attorney’s in-depth knowledge of claims processes keeps insurers accountable. We ensure paperwork is complete upfront so adjusters can’t cite missing documentation as a reason to stall. Demand letters from legal counsel start countdowns for insurers to take action within reasonable settlement timelines.

Our lawyers regularly negotiate with insurance companies, so we know how to counter common stall tactics and advance delayed claims. We won’t allow adjusters to provide excuses when pressing them for updates and resolutions.

If delays continue despite our best efforts, we can file a lawsuit on your behalf. Legal action requires insurers to review your claim’s merits and make good-faith settlement offers. Our experience allows us to build strong bad-faith cases if insurers refuse to budge.

Don’t Settle for Less Due to Frustration Over Delays

The long delays insurers impose can be so frustrating that some accident victims eventually accept lowball settlements just to end the painful claims process.

We urge you not to settle for less than your claim is truly worth. While the delays feel unjust, there are good reasons to remain patient and keep advocating for the full value of your claim.

Appropriate compensation can ease the financial stresses accidents cause. Once a lowball settlement is accepted, it’s extremely difficult to get more later. Working with a lawyer helps smooth out the claims process and protects your rights.

The insurance company may be stalling, but you ultimately control whether to accept less than you deserve. Don’t let their tactics pressure you into a fast, cheap settlement. Contact us today for a free consultation – let’s work together to get your claim moving again toward a just outcome.

Author Bio

Orlando Sheppard

Orlando Sheppard is a Co-Founder and Partner of Purely Legal, a multi-state personal injury law firm serving clients in Florida, Georgia, Maryland, and Washington, D.C. He handles a wide range of personal injury matters, including car accidents, bike accidents, dog bites, premise liability, slip and falls, and wrongful death.

Orlando received his Juris Doctor from Florida A&M University College of Law and is a member of the Florida Bar, the Maryland State Bar Association, and the Orange County Bar Association.

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